WildFit, the biggest health concept in the last 150 years of diets history .

How to understand emotional hunger in just 7 days, for FREE.
Learn why emotional hunger is soo difficult to solve and how to control it without even a gram of will.
Sign up now and you will learn what are the 6 types of hunger:
thirst hunger
nutrients hunger
variety hunger
low blood sugar hunger
emotional hunger
empty stomach
In this program I will help you reduce your emotional hunger, cravings for sweet, compulsive eating and especially at night, after you come from work or before bed. All this in a trip of just one week in which I will be with you every day.
If you want to help your family and friends SHARE this course on Facebook.

What do you learn in this FREE course?
What is emotional hunger and why is this the most important factor for compulsive eating.
What are the 6 types of hunger and how can you manage them.
How to be aware of your inner discussions about food so that you can make the right decision for yourself as easily as possible.
How to overcome the food rewards stage by knowing the real reason why you eat a certain food.
How does the food industry influence you and what are the manipulations behind it?
How to start living healthier and lose weight without will power.

It's for you if ...
you had more than 2 diets and you couldn't get them to the end, and after you gained more than you had before
the role of mother and wife takes over, you have no time to take care of yourself and you started to get fat
you have gained too many kilos lately and you do not know how to get rid of them
you wake up eating unconscious even if you have been full for a long time
you feel the food relaxes you, it calms you, spoils you
you take refuge in food whenever you feel stressed, upset, unfulfilled, unappreciated, unloved.
the food gives you the feeling that it makes you happy

A few words about me,
Radu Octavian Sofronea
All my life I was fat, obese, with immunity problems, lack of energy, excluded and mocked. I ate a lot emotionally, compulsively, large quantities of food and then I was very angry with myself, I felt disappointed, without help and unable to take care of me. All the time I was the highest in the class and the fattest, despite everything I tried to do, I could not lose weight. I tried different diets, I was also to nutritionist, but they all worked for a very short period of time, only as long as I had will and when it was over I put all the weight back in place. The most I weighed 125 kg at 1.95 m, so I was pretty big.
Many times I have gone through situations such as:
I woke up eating like a seizure only when I felt that my belly was cracking
I was going hypnotized to the fridge in the evening, without even realizing what I was doing
when I was arguing with someone I felt the need to calm down with something sweet
I had a good day and had to reward myself with a go out in town, eat a big pizza and drink 2-3 beers
I told myself that I will tastes just a bit mone and I didn't stop until I finished everything
I really thought I was happier with every spoon of Nutella
after a weekend full of food I had to keep fasting on Monday and then struggle the rest of the week, until Friday came again...
At the end of 2017 I discovered a lifestyle in which I was promised FREEDOM over food and how to get rid of emotional hunger without will power, so I started the journey, and guess what?
I succeeded!
This success, the fact that I keeped this change without any problems or will, more than 2 years, combined with my mission to help people, I've created this FREE 7 days mini-challenge to help people who have the same problems as me and to get rid of emotional eating.
Cand au loc workshopurile lunare? Ce se intampla daca nu le pot vizualiza live?Mini-workshopurile lunare vor avea loc in cea de-a 3-a miercuri a lunii, la ora 19, ora Romaniei. Nu va faceti griji daca nu puteti participa live. Va vom trimite un e-mail cu inregistratrea si il vom posta in grupul privat de Facebook in 24 de ore.
Cat dureaza un workshop?Ne straduim ca fiecare workshop sa se incadreze in 60 - 90 de minute.
Se pot adresa intrebari in timpul workshopului?Unele ateliere sunt pura teorie, asadar este posibil sa nu avem timp pentru intrebari si raspunsuri de lunga durata. De cele mai multe ori insa, da, veti putea adresa intrebari.
Cum anulez abonamentul?Va puteti anula calitatea de membru in orice moment. Doar trimiteti-ne un e-mail la hello@getwildfit.com cu Subiectul "Cancel WildFit Membership". Vom procesa anularea in termen de o zi lucratoare.
Trebuie sa mananc 100% WildFit pentru a fi membru?Living WildFit este conceput pentru a sprijini oamenii care vor sa continue sa traiasca si sa manance WildFit dupa terminarea provocarii Wildfit 90. Stim ca nimeni nu este perfect si, bineințeles, uneori se vor intampla “accidente”. Acest program a fost creat pentru a va oferi resursele si sprijinul necesar pentru a va intoarce la WildFit, cat mai mult posibil. Daca va inscrieti utilizand optiunea de plata anuala, veti fi facturat o singura data pe an, la aceeasi data.
Prietenul / sora / sotul meu nu este absolvent al programului WildFit 90, dar ar dori foarte mult sa faca parte din aceasta comunitate. Le pot impartasi datele de logare din contul meu"Living WildFit este disponibil numai pentru persoanele care au parcurs complet provocarea WildFit 90. Va rugam sa ii incurajati sa citeasca detaliile programului la adresa https://www.sofronea.com/wildfit90 si sa accepte pentru inceput provocarea WildFit90.

How to understand emotional hunger in just 7 days, for FREE.
Learn why emotional hunger is soo difficult to solve and how to control it without even a gram of will.

Sign up now and you will learn what are the 6 types of hunger:
thirst hunger
nutrients hunger
variety hunger
low blood sugar hunger
emotional hunger
empty stomach
In this program I will help you reduce your emotional hunger, cravings for sweet, compulsive eating and especially at night, after you come from work or before bed. All this in a trip of just one week in which I will be with you every day.